Imagine you're driving down your favourite road in Ontario, but you notice a small crack in your windshield. You pull over and inspect the crack and determine that you need to get windshield repair and installation in Burlington. Even a small chip in your windshield can be a problem, especially if it affects your view and safety while driving. But consider if you should foot the bill yourself or file a claim to get your insurance deductible to help. Keep reading to learn which option is best for you.
The first thing you should do when you have a damaged windshield is to review your insurance policy. See what type of coverage and how much coverage you have. You can get comprehensive coverage, which will cover the windshield replacement. But you may only have collision coverage, which will only cover damage from an accident. You can also see if you have glass coverage. Even if you don't have comprehensive coverage, glass coverage will help you pay for the cost of repairing a cracked windshield. You should also review your insurance deductible. If you haven't met your insurance deductible, you may need to pay up to that before insurance helps pay.
Next, you should evaluate the damage to your windshield. If you have a small chip or crack in the windshield, you may not reach your insurance deductible. However, you can reach your deductible if the damage is significant. Now, you shouldn't do further damage to a small crack just to get your insurance deductible. You can still get windshield repair and installation in Burlington, but you may need to pay the full cost. Fortunately, repairing a small chip will only cost around 50 dollars. If you have multiple small cracks, the additional ones can be even cheaper per chip. In some cases, it's easier to pay for the repair yourself. Then, you can contact your insurance company when you need help, and you can keep your insurance premium from going up.
After you assess the damage and determine that you do want to use your insurance deductible for windshield repair and installation in Burlington, you can find a mechanic. Consider if you will need a smaller repair or if you'll need an entirely new windshield. Then, you can find a mechanic near you who can provide the service you need. If you know your insurance deductible, you can also use that to compare prices. That way, you can get a good deal on your repair.
If you decide your broken windshield is worth filing a claim for, you can contact your insurance company. You can also have the auto repair company contact your insurance for you. Then, you can submit a claim over the phone or online. After the repair, insurance can send you a cheque or deposit the money into your account directly.
Whether you have a small chip or need a whole new windshield, you may consider getting insurance to cover the cost. Then, you can save money on windshield repair and installation in Burlington. In some cases, you may be able to afford the cost. However, if you get in an accident or your windshield has more damage, your deductible can help significantly. Do you need to fix a damaged windshield? Contact Canada Auto Glass & Sunroofs to get an estimate and schedule your repair.